E-Commerce POS Payment Processing & Payment Gateway Integration
Transform your business into an online store that is open 24/7/365 with our e-commerce solutions. Using the latest security technology our e- commerce solutions allow merchants can easily accept millions of online payments anytime, anywhere in the safest way.
Best For
E-Commerce Websites & Online Stores
Having the ability to make a purchase online whenever we want is becoming the new norm in the modern world. Whether you are a business that sells fashion apparel, electronics, toys or giftware, e-commerce has significantly evolved to support online business ideas and their implantation. MONEXgroup provides payment gateways or hosted checkout solutions for your business’s e-commerce website. We also have a plug-and play shopping cart options for beginners with no coding knowledge.

Retailers Expanding to E-Tail
With online shopping here to stay, it is important for brick-and-mortar store owners to expand online to generate additional cash flow. To help with this expansion, our e-tail solutions include an easy to create online store that uses the same payment gateway, both in-store and online, helping to keep inventory in sync.

Online Food Orders
Customers looking for takeout orders from their favorite restaurant or fast-food business expect an option to order and pay online. To support this need, MONEXgroup provides an e-commerce payment solution that enables restaurant businesses to accept credit card payments for food order placed over the internet.

In addition to physical products being sold online, many services are offered too. From businesses that provide accounting services, digital marketing services, online courses, consultation services, or any other expert services, being able to power your website with the right payment gateway will enable your business to accept payments and grow.

Product Information

You can increase your online revenue by selecting one of the following e-commerce payment options:
• Online payment gateway integrated with an existing shopping cart application
• Hosted “Buy Now” button solution which handles secure processing away from your website
Online Payment Gateway Solution
Enable secure online payment processing directly to your website with a fully customizable payment gateway advance or basic shopping cart integration needs. The online payment gateway will enhance shopping cart functionality on a merchant’s e-commerce site by offering billing and other customer support features.
• Allows users to approve and settle all credit card payments from one dashboard
• This easy to configure system can be arranged to limit the information that system users
are able to view and access
• Eliminates third-party gateway costs with its end-to-end network connectivity
Hosted Checkout Solution
The e-commerce hosted checkout solution allows merchants to accept online payments effectively by outsourcing the secure processing of transactions away from their website. Cardholder data never touches your site and is never stored on your server.

Features of Online Payment Gateway Solution:
• Accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover and gift cards
• Provides chargeback protection by supports verified Visa and Mastercard SureCode plugins
• Reliable and secure solution that is PCI compliant, protecting cardholder information
• Validates cardholder through Card Verification Data (CVD)
• Securely store and protect your business and cardholder data with its advanced multi-layer security and risk management tools, encryption technology and fraud detection software
• Manages recurring payments or single payments quickly and efficiently
• Supports convenient repeat purchases
• Develop individual card holder records storing information such as frequency of purchases, amounts and contact information
• Provide many different payment processing options with batch processing, supporting high volume card-not-present transactions
Features of Hosted Checkout Solution:
• Accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and Gift Cards
• Cardholder information is validated by verifying the customer ID through Mastercard SecureCode and Visa PCI Compliant Standards
• As a payment option the solution easily incorporates PayPal
• For any webpage that requires a hosted payment checkout solution we implement PCI compliant and secure add-on information
• Cardholder information is stored and data is processed externally through a secure hosted checkout solution with SSL encryption
• Online shopping websites are provided with more protection by leveraging a proven secure and reliable hosted checkout solution
• Card holder data never enters your site and it is not stored on your server

Easy Integration
• Integration is easy and quick while also providing a high level of security and PCI compliance
• Seamlessly integrates to the e-commerce product catalogue and website’s shopping cart
• Implementation is easy and provides options that are cost-effective, flexible and speedy
“Green” and Convenient
• Instead of producing hard copy receipts, the system is able to generate e-receipts that will be emailed to customers
• Keep customers updated by sending alerts throughout the customer payment and delivery cycle
Supported Solution
• Easily manage your payments with a provided support service
• To ensure your business is always compliant with the ever-changing industry security standards and regulations your software will receive regular upgrades
Advanced Reporting
• Regular reports are provided showing the authorized processing transactions with the amount spent and items purchased online
• Easy to access reports are provided to quickly view for authorized transactions
• Easily keep track of inventory, order status and sales trends by receiving instant sales notifications
Open 24/7/365
• Leverage the e-commerce marketplace that is always open

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Jumpstart your business potential today with payment processing services from MONEXgroup
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