Published On: May 17, 2022


  • Payment processing and merchant services include many different complex aspects of business
  • When your business encounters problems and needs assistance, you want to call on trusted experts
  • Choosing the right payment processing partner means selecting one with top-tier customer service

Your POS system, ecommerce platform, and unattended payment terminals help your business operate and serve your customers efficiently. But what happens when you encounter a technical problem? It’s essential to have service and support from knowledgeable payment processing experts.

In the day-to-day operation of your business, you rely on a variety of different systems to help you and your employees serve customers, manage inventory, coordinate schedules, and process payments. When everything is working smoothly, you might not give much thought to the back-end support services associated with each of those different systems. Of course, when the need arises to upgrade to a more full-featured solution, or if an error or problem occurs within an existing system, then the critical importance of having easily-accessible customer service and well-trained technical support becomes glaringly apparent.

When it comes to your payment processing system and the merchant services that make it work, having the right partner can prevent your business from losing out on revenue and allow you to achieve record sales numbers. That might sound like hyperbole, but when you take a step back and look at the benefits that can be obtained through having access to exceptional customer service and technical support, the reality of that statement becomes quite clear.

If you’re not sure whether your current merchant services provider possesses all the important customer service and technical support criteria that you need to succeed, now is the time to ask some hard questions and re-evaluate your options.

What do you Really Want Out of Customer Service and Technical Support for Payment Processing?

First, let’s think about the types of situations that might necessitate the involvement of your payment processing customer service team or merchant services technical support group. Starting with the most obvious situation of a system error that prevents the use of your payment processing devices; it’s absolutely vital that you are able to contact technical support at all times to obtain the service needed to get things back up and running promptly. If your operating hours don’t align with the operating hours of the technical team of your merchant services provider, this can present a major issue. 24/7/365 technical support is absolutely necessary; the last thing your business needs is hours upon hours of downtime, simply because the technical support lines are closed for the day.

Of course, just because you CAN reach someone when you have a technical issue, that doesn’t guarantee that they’re going to be the right person. Experience and training matters, and all too often the problem that needs to be solved requires in-depth knowledge of the equipment, the software, and the specific application of the payment processing system, in order to precisely identify the nature of the problem and the most likely causes. Only then can the right solution be provided to get your business back on track. When choosing a payment processing partner, be sure to check and see that the technical support team has this level of expertise.

Solving technical problems promptly and properly is not the only factor to consider. You’ll also want to think carefully about what might be the next step in the evolution of your business. This could include such considerations as what types of POS systems might be needed to serve customers in new ways, how your business can better leverage ecommerce to tap into additional market segments, or how integrations of payment technology with inventory tools can increase operational efficiencies, among many others. When these types of questions arise as you plan for future business growth, there are many facets that must be looked at before the best possible answers can be found. This is where the innovative thinking of merchant services customer support teams can be a significant benefit.

To help your company put together a solid plan for the implementation of new payment systems, your merchant services customer service group should be able to inform your strategy effectively and guide you to the best possible combination of hardware, software, and processes to meet the need of the application and set the stage for business success. This includes providing a detailed review of your current payment processing capabilities, identifying strengths and potential opportunities, as well as conducting a market analysis to evaluate competitive position and possible threats. With so many options available to choose from in payment processing technology, your decision to invest in a new solution must be based on what will deliver the most impact to your business strategy, and align with your short-term and long-term goals.

Collaboration is key when managing your merchant services, and in order to make the most of the relationship it is helpful to have a single point of contact that learns the nuances of your business in great detail. When evaluating different merchant services companies, be sure to ask if you will be provided a dedicated account manager or support representative. With this type of relationship, the support your business receives will be much more consistent, and the recommendations provided will be tailored with greater relevance to your unique operating conditions and competitive environment. By having the extended knowledge of what your business is all about, your merchant services customer service partner will be better suited to deliver the recommendations and advice needed to enable accelerated business growth.

Reduce your operating costs with our full suite of payment solutions

With MONEXgroup as your payment provider you benefit from our all-in-one payment ecosystem with: integrated processing solutions, 24/7/365 support, comprehensive reporting, and much more.
Talk to us today

Advantages of Choosing MONEXgroup as your All-In-One Payment Processing Provider

Clearly, the effects of customer support and technical service are profound, and the impact that they can have on your business cannot be overstated. Here at MONEXgroup, we take this fact to heart in everything we do for our clients. We firmly believe that a successful partnership depends on your trust in us, which we are committed to earning through our courteous and accommodating customer service teams, dedicated MONEXgroup account success managers, and knowledgeable and experienced technical support representatives.

MONEXgroup is an all-in-one merchant services provider, meaning that from beginning to end, we are your source for all things related to payment processing systems. We provide POS hardware and software, integrations with existing systems, ecommerce solutions, mobile payment terminals, contactless and unattended payment stations, and so much more. We also handle all the installation and technical service ourselves, meaning there’s no third-party companies in between the client and our customer service team. We really are your one-stop payment processing and merchant services shop.

Our track record of delivering exceptional payment processing customer service and technical support for POS systems is well-documented, with many of our clients going out of their way to honour us with rave reviews of the experiences they have with our team members. Whether they are new clients of ours, or long-term business partners that we have been working with for many years, the feelings they share are the same.

Bring the Benefits of Top-Tier Customer Service and Technical Support to your Business Today

If your business is just getting started and you’re in need of a payment processing partner to set you up with a powerful and flexible POS solution supported by the best customer service team in the industry, or if your current merchant services provider is falling short in delivering the knowledge and expertise you need to grow your business, then contact MONEXgroup today. We’ll work with you to provide a detailed cost savings analysis, and data-driven recommendations for point-of-sale systems, ecommerce platforms, mobile payment solutions, and unattended payment technologies that are customized specifically for your unique needs. With MONEXgroup in your corner, you’ll have the tools, the expertise, and the support necessary to win in even the most competitive markets.

Get your free no-obligation quote today!

Blog Author LayalAuthor: Layal Scheirich, Head of Sales at MONEXgroup
Bio: With 18 years of experience in payment processing and merchant services, Layal has seen in-store POS technology evolve from its humble beginnings to contactless, unattended, mobile and online alternatives. Today, Layal is an inspiration to the MONEXgroup’s team and a go-to source of information related to payment processing. She is enthusiastic to share her knowledge with audiences interested in cutting-edge technologies available today, such as unattended payment for self-serve kiosks, e-commerce online payment gateways, virtual terminals, and contactless and mobile payment solutions.
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Grow your business with our Full Suite of payment solutions

With over 20 years of industry experience, MONEXgroup creates competitive advantages for your business through customized innovative payment solutions.

Contact us today and discover the right payment solution for YOUR business!

Ask yourself “What is the cost of doing business when having a poor partnership with a payment processor?”. If your payment processing touches various entities, a small problem can quickly turn into a frustrating experience. There is no need for a pieced-together solution with several providers.

As your single point of contact, MONEXgroup is nimble and quick to respond. Have one merchant account, one statement, one monthly fee, one support line, one dedicated account manager. We have multiple gateway relationships, and easy integration with main gateways & acquirers. MONEXgroup is the One-Stop-Shop for all your payment needs.

Consider saving big on operating expenses. Take advantage of our integrated payment solutions and deal with one company for all your payment needs: In-Store POS & Attended Payments, Unattended Vending & Self-Service, On-the-Go & Mobile Payments, and eCommerce, Virtual & Recurring Payments.

We understand the complexity that comes with having to rely on multiple payment processing providers. That’s why, as a MONEXgroup client, you can consolidate your unattended, in-store, on-the-go and online solutions under a single account, with one monthly fee and statement.

By choosing MONEXgroup as your payment processing partner, you benefit from a full suite of Payment Processing Solutions and rely on one trusted partner. We’ve simplified payment processing. Choose our future-proof Integrated Payments Solutions!

At MONEXgroup, we’ve built our reputation on providing the most efficient and extensive level of customer service in the industry. Hundreds of our Google reviews attest to our quality Customer Service.

Technical support is available to you 24/7/365. We pride ourselves with fast response times. A skilled agent is dedicated to your issue and proactively follows up until you are satisfied. We also routinely perform outbound courtesy check-ins to ensure full satisfaction.

We offer quick onsite swap service for terminal replacements. Our rapid response policy ensures that downtime to your business is minimal.

The clarity of our offer and of our statements makes MONEXgroup unique in the industry. Our friendly and proactive Customer Service will patiently review statements with you, to avoid any type of doubt or confusion.

Due to close partnership relationships with acquirers, we able to offer the most competitive Visa, Mastercard and debit card processing rates available on the market. Start maximizing your ROI with MONEXgroup today!

Knowing what drives your revenue is a significant advantage to making informed business decisions. Access the full-suite reporting dashboard to monitor data such as financial transactions, usage statistics, location/regional performance, etc.

Our device allows remote admin access to get diagnostics, check terminal status, set up alerts, and perform updates. You can interact with payment terminals remotely to adjust pricing in real-time, assign permissions to managers, or review transaction history.

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